Vancouver Travel Bloggers Share Their Earnings Secrets-How much money can you really make as a Vancouver travel blogger?
While it’s not always easy to predict how much you’ll earn from blogging on your own website, it’s good to know how other successful travel bloggers are making money from their own sites, and how they’re using their websites to do it.
With that in mind, here are the stories of three different Vancouver travel bloggers and how they use their websites to earn money in multiple ways.
How much do Vancouver travel bloggers make?
The short answer is—it depends. And, that’s why we wanted to have Vancouver travel bloggers share their earnings with us; so we could put together a clear and concise guide on how much you can make blogging about your city and/or hometown. Based on our survey results, here are some insights:
If you have less than 100K followers, it’s probably not possible to quit your day job just yet. In fact, one of our respondents told us she has over 500K followers but still works full-time at her 9-5! However, if you have between 100k and 1M+ followers (inclusive), then you may be able to work as a full-time blogger.
This group of Vancouver travel bloggers reported earning an average of $1.4k per month from their blogs alone. On top of that, many were also able to earn money from affiliate links or sponsored posts (not included in these numbers). As for those with more than 1M+ followers? They reported earning an average of $8k per month from their blogs alone.
What factors affect your earnings?
We are all aware that in order to make money, you have to sell a product. However, there are many factors that affect your earnings. Your niche, audience, content and promotion are just some of them.
There’s also social media marketing, sales tactics and more. All these things work together so it’s vital to approach everything strategically if you want to succeed as a travel blogger or influencer. Here we look at some specific ways Vancouver travel bloggers have been able to monetize their website and build an audience that trusts their recommendations. Hopefully you can use these tactics as inspiration for your own venture!
When determining what strategy will be most effective for you and your Vancouver travel blogging business, it helps to consider what works best for other established influencers within your niche.
What sort of content does well on their websites? What keywords do they focus on? If other Vancouver travel bloggers like @LiftBumpinTravel or @bryte_travel have found success with Instagram ads but haven’t used Facebook organic marketing yet, then maybe consider testing those channels yourself.
What is a nano-influencer?
A nano-influencer is someone with less than 10,000 followers on Instagram. While that may seem like a small following, it's about to become one of your best sources for exposure. Because nano-influencers have fewer followers, they will generally respond more quickly to messages than someone with 100k+.
And because they're super engaged, they are not nearly as expensive as other influencers in bigger markets. A good way to find nano-influencers is through social media research or by creating a LinkedIn query and asking people who work at smaller companies in your area if they know any Vancouver travel bloggers or social media influencers who are looking for sponsored posts and collaborations.
You can also use Followerwonk (here) to search for Vancouver travel bloggers with under 10,000 followers who have posted within the last 30 days. You can also try searching for them on Twitter using hashtags related to your industry. For example: #vancouvertravelblogger #yvrblogger #travelvancouverblogger etc... Another thing you can do is look up their email address (if they don't hide it). Here's how: Log into Facebook and go to their profile > click about > click links > hover over email (usually hidden) > copy email address.
Tips on marketing your blog content
The Vancouver travel bloggers cited in the Wall Street Journal informally swapped traffic-driving tips and discussed their personal strategies for drumming up business and keeping it coming. Read below to learn more about how they got their start, and then consider whether you have any advice to offer.
Have a web host that won’t kill your site with annoying advertisements? Have you leveraged a side gig as an affiliate marketer to produce steady revenue? The International Journal of Digital Marketing featured an interview with Social Media Examiner contributor Derek Halpern. His advice is practical, straightforward and honest. I make $30,000 per month writing one post per week, he said.
If I can do it, anyone can. (As a full disclosure: This blogger makes less than $10/month from his own website.) Another common thread: passion. Without exception, these Vancouver travel bloggers are living out their passions every day and getting paid handsomely for doing so. What's stopping you from following suit? It may be time to get off the sidelines and into your own game plan!
Money saved from being a digital nomad
I’m a Vancouver travel blogger, and my husband and I have been living overseas since 2012. We make money by working as digital nomads through our own business. Our whole life can be packed into a suitcase, which allows us to live anywhere in the world, while still having enough income to enjoy where we are.
If you’re interested in becoming a digital nomad but don’t know how to get started, you should ask more experienced bloggers who have been successful at making money online the same way I started! Learn how digital nomads work, what motivates them (besides money), and how they keep costs down so they can save more each month. For example, you could also try interviewing some Vancouver travel bloggers on their earnings, like Michael Misiewicz from Digital Nomad Diaries or Matador Network blogger Eric Petersen.
You might even find out that one of these guys was able to become financially independent because of his blogging efforts! What an inspirational story that would be for others looking to start their own blogs.
Posted on June 20th 2017
10 resources to get started with blogging
To start a Vancouver travel blogger, get creative! Let’s say you’re planning on writing about what it’s like to live in Canada.
Here are 8 resources you can use to get started:
1. Google
2. Bing
3. YouTube
4. Research
5. New York Times
6. CBC 7. City TV
8. The Weather Network
Also Read:
But remember that you don’t need hundreds of resources; you just need a handful of sources for your topic. Once you have those, your job is to read and research as much as possible so that your post is full of facts and helpful information for Vancouver travel bloggers who are looking for advice on how to make money blogging. Good luck!