How to change footer credit of blogger template (The easiest way)-Webguideweb

Are you currently using blogger platform and having the burden about to change footer credit of blogger template ?

Well, Today in this post i will be covering the full guide about How to change footer credit of blogger template . Your all the doubá¹­s related to change footer credit of blogger template will be clear by the end of this post.

I have done much research before preparing this post ( How to change footer credit of blogger template ). After a lot of research about to change footer credit of blogger template , when i found myself able that i can explain the solution of this problem in better and better way then i am writing this post How you can change footer credit of blogger template by The easiest way.

How to change footer credit of blogger template (The easiest way):If you are using blogger for your sites or blogs then as beginner you may feel difficulties to remove or change footer credit of blogger template.

change footer credit of blogger template

Footer credit of blogger template is basically the copyright or sign of certain developer or certain companies who gives their effort in creating and developing the blogger templates for the users like you and me.

If you are starting a blog on blogger and you are beginner and you don't have much budget to purchase premium templates then you can get the free premium templates and you can start running your blog. There are several premium templates for bloggers which you can use and you can start writing your blog by doing little customization in that.

But, If you are new in blogging journey and you don't have much money to invest in premium template then don't worry this article is all about this in which i am going to tell you exact and very easiest way which you can follow and change footer credit of blogger template. All you have to do is that you have to follow the exact method that i am gonna discuss in this blog post so that you can easily be able to change the footer credit of blogger template.

Note: Some Templates are developed in such a way that in which you cannot change footer credit. But don't take stress all the blogger template is not like that. You don't need to take more worry about that i can no longer use it for free and i cannot change footer credit of blogger template. 

So, Before downloading any blogger template at first read the terms whether you can change the footer credit of blogger template or not. Don't download and upload the template in hurry because later you may get problem while changing footer credit of blogger template.

Steps to Change footer credit of blogger template:

  1. Open any browser in your phone or pc and type in the search bar ""
    How to change footer credit of blogger template

  2. Do sign in with your that google account by which you have done sign up to blogger.
  3. You may see the "blogger" dashboard after this.
  4. You might see some options like: posts, stats, setting, theme, e.t.c option in blogger dashboard.
  5. The next you have to do is you have to select the option called "theme" from left side menus box.
  6. After this you might find the option called "Customize" the theme.
  7. Beside Customize the theme option there you find a "downward small arrow" just click on this arrow sign.
    How to change footer credit of blogger template (The easiest way)

  8. You will see all the codings of your blogger template when you click this downward arrow
  9. Now, The next step is that you have to press " CTRL + F " option from your keyboard.
  10. After that a small "search bar" will open in the dashboard.
  11. Just type "Created by" or "Designed by" option in that search bar.
    change footer credit of blogger template

  12. You will find these vary lines in your HTML and CSS code area.
  13. The next step is that you may find there the coading like this<div class='footer-copyright' id='footer-copyright'> '

    How to change footer credit of blogger template (The easiest way)

  14. After you find this above code the next step is that Copy and Paste this code ' <p style='text-align:left;'>Copyright (c) 2022 <a href=''>Webguide Web |</a>  All Right Reseved</p><div class='ty-copy-container row' style='font-size:1px; opacity:0;'> ' just below the above code.
    change footer credit of blogger template

  15. After this edit some things like your blog name. Put the URL of your blog in the place of above blog name and also put the name of your blog there.
  16. Thus, You can change footer credit of blogger template by this method.

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